yup.. i'm back! independance was awesome.. took some pics which i will soon be uploaded. just one thing, genting highlands has suddenly been invaded by The Great Republic of Ah Bengs & Ah Lians. never have i seen such vast amounts of them in my lifetime.. they were all hanging around first world hotel dressed as ugly as possible with atrocious trenchcoats and horrendous shoes. some guy puked in the hotel lobby which, i found this to be highly gross since the puke blew up in his face as he attempted to cover his ugly face with his hands. or was he trying to hold the puke in his hands so it wont dirty the lobby floor? no difference anyway. at least the puke made his clothes look better with additional colouring and "food prints" on his crapped up white tight pants and sickening looking shoes. i'm so cynical. i love myself. more updates of the rave and sarcastic remarks to come! watch this space.