Butterfly Wings
Thunder looms across the skies
Wanting to be there to dry your eyes
It hurts me so to see you sad
Confide in me and be glad
Though I’ve done some mistakes
Forgive me please, I beg
I’m leaving the past behind
A new life, I want us to find
You’re like my lil’ butterfly
Fluttering so gently above my eye
You give me hope, love and comfort
Never again I want us to be hurt
Float away and find your joy
Don’t you worry; I’ll be your buoy
Butterfly wings is what you are
Gentle is the wind that blows you far
Fly, fly to such great heights
Soar real high but don’t lose sight
You’re beautiful, don’t you know?
Inside you, love is all that grows
Butterfly wings are soft and gentle
One slight touch, you’ll find it’s brittle
Yet it’s strong to carry it high
I thank you, for being in my life
Wanting to be there to dry your eyes
It hurts me so to see you sad
Confide in me and be glad
Though I’ve done some mistakes
Forgive me please, I beg
I’m leaving the past behind
A new life, I want us to find
You’re like my lil’ butterfly
Fluttering so gently above my eye
You give me hope, love and comfort
Never again I want us to be hurt
Float away and find your joy
Don’t you worry; I’ll be your buoy
Butterfly wings is what you are
Gentle is the wind that blows you far
Fly, fly to such great heights
Soar real high but don’t lose sight
You’re beautiful, don’t you know?
Inside you, love is all that grows
Butterfly wings are soft and gentle
One slight touch, you’ll find it’s brittle
Yet it’s strong to carry it high
I thank you, for being in my life