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Thursday, May 31, 2007 

Spring Cleaning!

I have all this pent up energy from the excitement of my exams being over and I have no idea what to do.

Sooooooooo.... I'm going to clean up my room! Am finally gonna clear up the mess I made during my exams. It's like armageddon in here. Papers everywhere, files everywhere.. you get the idea.

Hmm maybe I should clear out my closet too while I'm at it.



HURRAH! Exams are finally over!

Now bring on the booze.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 

I Have Evil Friends

Classmate: i jz luv dis clas

Classmate: dun u??

a b e s: yeah its one amazing class

a b e s: get screwed over and over again

Classmate: hahahahha

a b e s: best kan?


Classmate: mestila bes

Classmate: mmmm~

a b e s: yeah man and id idnt eeven enjoy it!

Classmate: lolz

a b e s: and its probably all the sex i'm getting -____________________-

Classmate: ooooo

Classmate: seriously?

Classmate: seeeriously?

a b e s: yeah man

Classmate: well, m not doin too bad myself BAHAHHAHAHA

a b e s: HAHAHAHAH bitch

a b e s: i hate you

a b e s: go bury urself



My Cake Phase

It seems like I've been gorging on cakes whenever I get the chance. This is quite unlike me. I'm usually one that does not voluntarily order cake for myself (I don't even eat cakes during birthdays). This behaviour of mine surprises even me.. and my mom.

I don't know when this cake phase started nor when it will end but it is rather satisfying to be stuffing my face with all sorts of cakes - especially ones with cheese. Mmmm cheesecake. Yum yum.

See? Even thinking about it makes me want to have one right now even though I just had a Walnut Chocolate cake with ice cream at Alexis, Bangsar while I was out with Steph, Leo and Xavie. So weird.

Just last weekend when I was at Midvalley for Pirates, we made a pit stop at Coffee Bean before the movie for drinks and you guessed it, cake. By the way, I loved the Mississippi Marshmallow Chocolate cake (above pic). Sluuuuurrrp!

And the week before that, I had Starbucks' Raspberry Cheese cake. Gaah! I'm going to be fat with all this cake aren't I?

To top it all, a good cake with a stick of Dunhill makes the whole experience orgasmic. Nicotine and icing seem to bode well for me. And just today, I stopped by 7-11 to replenish my cigs when I saw Dunhill's latest 'Limited Edition' packaging and my oh my, are they pretty! I don't smoke lights or menthol. I only smoke the full flavour ones (yeah, let's speed me up for death) and look at it! It's so slick and stylish (DAMN YOU DUNHILL MARKETING PEOPLE!). Presenting, the Dunhill D360. I don't know what the D360 stands for but it does sound like a durian grade. Hell this damn thing cost me RM7.80 (Yes, I bought it because it looked cool. So hurrah for Dunhill's marketing team!) and it better taste better than the normal ones.

Ironically, some survey company called me up yesterday to ask me a few questions on Dunhill cigarettes -___-"

Oh well, I have one last paper tomorrow and I'd best be getting ready for it. I so can't wait for it to be all over. I hate having to wait for days in between papers. It's like, you can't have fun or really relax cos you know you'll be sitting in the damn exam hall soon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007 

My Computer Hates Me


I lose my internet connection for no reason and it's so friggin' sluggish. I've done virus and ad scans, removed unnecessary programs and files and it's still sluggish.

I just rebooted my computer and all of a sudden my internet connection dies and I had to reboot my modem. Bah! Stupid technology.

Sunday, May 27, 2007 

The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore

Artist: James Morrison

I've been twisting and turning,
In a space that's too small.
I've been drawing the line and watching it fall,
You've been closing me in, closing the space in my heart.
Watching us fading and watching it all fall apart.


Well I can't explain why it's not enough,
Cause I gave it all to you.
And if you leave me now, oh just leave me now.
It's the better thing to do, it's time to surrender,
It's been to long pretending. Theres no use in trying,
When the pieces don't fit anymore,
Pieces don't fit here anymore.

You pulled me under, if I had to give in.
Such a beautiful myth,
That's breaking my skin.
Well I'll hide all the bruises, I'll hide all the damage that's done.
But I'll show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone.


Ooh don't missunderstand,
How I feel.
Cause I've tried, yes I've tried.
But still I don't know why, no I don't know why.
I dont know why...... why?


I think many would agree that this is probably the best 'break-up' song by far haha!



Here's a little what-the-fuck thing that happened while I was getting ready for my badminton game.

Someone called me (let's call him X) and we started chatting casually on the phone. The usual convo takes place (such as "what are you up to?" etc). So I explained to X that I was getting ready to head out for a game of badminton with my bro and mom for a church thing. Naturally, we talked about the game and how we've not played it in years bla bla bla.

Then X starts on a theory about how I should match my outfit to my racket to enhance my gameplay. Honestly, I was not in the mood for such pointless and nonsensical discussion since I was in the middle of getting ready. So the conversation comes to an end and we hung up and I continued to pack my stuff.


SMS from X: "I been fine, thanks for asking. Enjoy the christian outing"
Me: "Thanks"
X: "Typical. Have fun reflecting"
Me: "Huh? What's typical?"
X: "Nothing. Forget it. Enjoy your badminton game"

I didn't bother to reply.

I didn't bother to pursue the matter simply because it is pointless and would serve no purpose. This person must be addicted to drama in order to live.

Seriously, WTF is your problem, X? Don't come throwing your emotional baggages on someone else just because you have one too many. I have my own to deal with and I certainly have no time to deal with yours.

If this makes sense to anyone at all, please fill me in cos I am totally clueless.


Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End

Well I've finally watched it and I found it to be somewhat a teeny wee bit of a disappointment. I don't know. It had its funny moments but it just didn't do a good job for me. I did like Captain Barbossa though. He's still funny as ever.

Most of the comedy in the movie was pretty much overdone and plus, I was lost with the storyline since I missed Pirates 2. Also, Calypso's story was cut short and had no ending. I do have to give credit for the special effects and CG. Quite amazing.

However the movie trip did make me want to catch Transformers even more. Finally watched the trailer and I was squealing like a little girl in my seat and gawking at the animation and muttering "HOLY HARD-ON BATMAN! CHECK OUT OPTIMUS PRIME!" under my breath. Some guy next to me was looking at me all weird during my over-enjoyment of the trailer -___-"

So many awesome movies to watch and more awesome movies to come. I hear a remake of Thundercats is underway (Jessica Alba is rumoured to be playing the role of Cheetara) and the World of Warcraft movie is already in the making.

*twitching with excitement*

Ps: ALWAYS park at the cinema level of Midvalley or else you'll end up like me and my bro roaming around aimlessly looking for the car in the parking lot for 30 minutes >__<"

Also, HAPPY BELATED 22nd BIRTHDAY WILLY!! Sorry it got a day delayed.

And now to get ready for badminton! WOOT! Hope I don't tear a muscle. It's been ages since I last played.

Saturday, May 26, 2007 


Totally awesome, no?


I Don't Think It's A Hard Thing To Do

All I ask is for my existence to be acknowledged.

I seriously doubt that's asking for a lot.

Just because you think I may not want to go some place or do something, does not mean I'm invisible or don't exist.

Thursday, May 24, 2007 


Today was supposed to be a happy day for me and my classmates. But no. Today's paper fucked us up real good.

Enough of sulking. I know I'll have to re-sit the damn paper anyway somewhere in July.

Next week is one final short paper and I just want it to be over and done with.

But that doesn't mean I can't have my fun now :P

I'm not sure how I'm going to spend my holidays till July. I've got a whole work out routine planned for the holidays and I'm crossing my fingers that I actually stick to it.

Basically from Monday to Friday, I've got a string of activities planned out and I just want to see how it'll go until July. I'm tired of people coming up to me and saying things like, "You're skinny" or "Aww did you lose weight again?". So maybe this routine will help me bulk up a bit. Maybe I'll attract that someone special *wishful thinking* (yeah I know, it's rather shallow of me but who cares. Society is such)

I need a haircut too! This hutan rimba on my head is just driving me nuts! Thankfully, deforestation is scheduled tomorrow.



My worst paper ever.

Not in the best mood to blog about it now. Maybe later.

I'm off to sulk in a corner.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 

Nyek Nyek Nyek

It is amazing what one can write about something that one does not know about.

Haha! Yup, today's paper was amazing. This is my most hated subject and therefore the least studied for but yet I managed to complete what was required and put every single authority I could remember.

Why I hate this subject:

  • I had to memorise cases which don't have proper names like Re a Company no. 007623 of 1984. This does not even include the ones WITH proper names which are long-winded and might as well be called Supercalifragilisticaspealedocious v Suoicodelaepsacitsiligarfilacrepus
  • Bulky and complicated
  • There are at LEAST (and a must to mention) 10 cases per principle
  • Every principle entails a long and detailed discussion about another principle and how they're linked
  • Extremely tedious
  • It is made compulsary by my college when it is actually an optional subject

I'd go with the last reason for my total dislike for the subject. I'm sort of glad that it's over and I can now focus on my last subject for the week - Tort. After which is my last paper next Thursday, 31st May. Then it's MERDEKA for me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 

Go Die.

I absolutely HATE company law.

I do.

I really do.

Go die.


Today Is 'Let's Not Use Our Eyes' Day

Today's paper went rather well. I was expecting myself to write more grandfather stories and creating my own laws and cases but none of that happened. I ACTUALLY wrote sensible things for my paper [insert shocked expression here].

Met up with Steph for lunch today and headed to Lucky Garden since Batai was jammed packed and we couldn't find a parking spot. Plus, they overcharge for parking in that area. Daylight robbery, I tell you.

Anyways, on my way to pick Steph up, I was not-so-happily met with drivers who have suddenly found a fetish for death and accidents. That means they drive without using their eyes. They change lanes without looking and the cars beside it were mashing on their horns.

As I turned into Steph's area, some guy reversed out of a parking space without even looking and I almost hit him. Another car coming out of the T-junction swerved without even checking if there were other vehicles. See? Hence my title for today.

So Steph enters the car and we chit-chatted a bit while deciding where to go.

Me: You know what, Steph? Vision is totally overrated.
Steph: Harr? Why la?
Me: Oh cos people are driving around without the need for them.
Steph: Haha! What happened?
Me: *explains my experience on the way to her place*
Steph: Oh, haha!

So we had lunch at Lucky Garden and continued our usual chit-chatting and then it's finally time to make a move so her boyfriend doesn't starve to death (Steph was supposed to bring him lunch).

Then, on the way to my car...

kkrrraaakk. kkkkkrrraaaaakkk. KKKRRRAAAAKKKK!!!!

The both of us just looked at each other and then we noticed everyone else looking in the direction of where we parked and a van that was passing by slowed down while the driver was looking behind at my car.

"OMG! Please don't tell me someone drove past my car and wrecked it!!!!", I thought.

To our relief, my car was fine but the car parked next to mine was not in it's best, I'd say. The van that drove by got too close to it and kind of ripped the front bumper off it.

Steph: OMG did you see that?!
Me: Ya! Wow, learn to drive man! (pointing to the driver in the van)
Steph: Luckily your car didn't kena anything.
Me: Ya man. Wah this fucker really don't know how to drive. At least come down and do something about it la.
Steph: Yea la. Kesian whoever's car that is.
Me: See Steph, it REALLY is 'Let's Not Use Our Eyes' Day!
Steph: -___-"

Driving back home after dropping Steph at Leo's place was no different. People were still swerving left and right like there were no other cars in the world.


Monday, May 21, 2007 

Hell, It's About Time

Kerrigan, Queen of Blades

Blizzard has always enjoyed keeping their customers waiting with much anticipation. The long wait is over! After 9 freaking years of waiting, it is finally official - Starcraft 2 is soon to be released! I've just checked out the previews and in-game shots and oh. my. god. are they simply delicious! The graphics! The colours! The units! And *GASP* the 3D animation! Go here to view gameplay screenshots.
With so much improvements from what Starcraft 1 used to be (that is crappy graphics and highly pixelated terrain) I'm now wondering if my poor out-dated PC can even load the game, much less play it. I want one! (I seem to be wanting a lot of things)

The next thing Blizzard fans will continue to wait for is the release of (also a much anticipated sequel) is none other than Diablo 3. So far, no news about its release have been announced but I am pretty darn sure that Blizzard fans across the globe are waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

Till that time comes, lets treat ourselves to Starcraft 2! Woot! Antaro'Adun!



1 paper down and 3 to go.

As per the title, today's paper was pure and utter cockfest. That means I cock-and-bulled in my paper today. Amazing what one can do under stress. Not to mention I blanked out when I opened the question booklet.


Prior to entering the exam hall I had everything planned out. Cases, authorities, statutes, principles, you name it. I had it all.

On a positive note, my dad got an amazing birthday gift - a NOKIA N73!!! AMAGAWD! I want one! Mom tells me that daddy dearest doesn't know how to use it. Actually, I don't blame him. Even I'm having a hard time figuring it out. Hmm.. Maybe I can persuade him to let me use it haha! I'm so evil. But hey it's a pretty phone. And I like pretty shiny objects ^_^


This Is It

Well, exam's in 2 and a half hours time and I'm just about to leave for college so I can read up a bit more before it starts.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 20, 2007 

This Sucks

What does? I can't sleep.

I'm sitting here at my computer in the dark with a hot mug of cereal waiting for the stupid sandman to pay me a visit. I've done 20 push-ups prior to my cereal to tire myself out somewhat but that did nothing.

I need to have my sleep before tomorrow's paper!!!! Aaaaaaaah!!! Heps me!!! =(

Yes, I can't sleep cos I'm nervous. It does not matter. I need to sleep no matter what. Bad things happen when I sit for an exam without getting enough rest.

I know that some of my classmates are waking up right now to head to McDonald's in Centerpoint to study until the exam. Sounds like what I should be doing. But no, I will blackout during the exam if I don't get my freaking sleep.

Since I'm still up and the time is approaching 12 midnight, I might as well give a shout out to Charmaine - HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY girl!!! (Yea, the party was a pre-celebration since the actual day is tomorrow, a working day)


I want to sleep! >_<


Die La Tomorrow

Ah shoot. Tomorrow's the day my exams start and I'm shitting more bricks.

But then again on the larger scale of things, I suppose they'll all be over come 31st. By right, exams end on the 24th but there's one final paper on the 31st and by then it'd be really a joyous day.

Good thing I had fun last night before I die tomorrow. Charmaine's birthday bash was a blast and since I couldn't find a cool hat for the party, I settled for a cap and went as a geek-wannabe-poser which worked out really well!

The place was awesome and had great company to drink with. Charmaine looked awesome in her white sunday hat and shoulderless white dress. In fact, she looked like Joan Collins from Dynasty haha!

I've added a gallery feature on the sidebar with last night's pictures and some others. Feel free to check them out.

Now to have lunch and bury my nose in books so my death tomorrow won't be as painful.

Saturday, May 19, 2007 

2 Frickin' Days To Go!

It ain't over till it's over! Two days before my exams and all I can think of is when it's all over. It's like dying a thousand deaths before actually dying.


Tonight, my dad will be celebrating his 60th birthday and also, Charmaine will be celebrating her birthday at 7ate9. 2 days before finals and 2 parties to attend woohoo! Shiok.

Now to find a hat...

Friday, May 18, 2007 










The Geek In Me

Yes, I'm an ardent World of Warcraft player.

Thursday, May 17, 2007 

Undercover Pimp Mommy

Tiny and I had lunch today at Damansara Perdana and so we headed to this Chinese kopitiam place. It's an ordinary kopitiam with the usual stalls and what not. Pretty regular.

We opted to have the spaghetti as per our usual since that was the only good thing to eat there and as usual, there would be this pregnant aunty that mans the stall.

We've had this a couple of times before so the aunty pretty much knew us.

Being me, I try to be friendly as much as I can but not in that gross sort of way.

Me: Hi, aunty! How are you?
Aunty: Halo halo. Long time no see.

I just popped a pleasant smile.

Incidentally there was also this Chinese dude that was waiting for his take-away. Ordinary dude. A tad bit fair. Maybe pale looking. Someone give this guy some blood.

The aunty looks over to him and chats a bit with him in Cantonese. She probably thought I didn't understand the language or forgot I was Chinese.

Aunty [in Cantonese]: See this one. Handsome boy.

Pale guy just cracks a smile.

Aunty: See la this boy so skinny (pointing shamelessly at me). You like this one ah?

And I was like, O_O!!!

Pale guy [in Cantonese]: Ok lah. Not too skinny what.

Like, OMG! Was I invisible or something? And was she pimping me? Of course, I wanted to take his packets of take-away and smack both of them but I nonchalantly pretended that I didn't understand what they just talked about and quickly ordered my food and sat at the table.

Granted that my ability to speak Chinese is close to non-existent but at least I could understand the basics. Even so, at least wait till I was out of hearing range and then gossip. No need for me to know such details.

And so I concluded that she's filthy rich from manning the spaghetti stall AND pimping random customers.



Today is an emo day for me.

Yup, it's raining. It's cloudy. I'm horny (oops, irrelevant but who cares). Exam starts on Monday.

I've got nowhere to bitch and so here I am blogging relentlessly. Perhaps the most I've blogged in a single day. The emo song post explains how emo I am today.

Soon enough I'm supposed to go to church. Well, I'm not going (I know, I'm going to burn in hell). I've already pakat-ed with my bro to meet at a mamak to kill "church" time and have dinner after that.

I know I should pick up my notes and read since exams are just in four fucking days and I'm still clueless. No matter how much I study, nothing seems to be sticking in my head. I do not think I've been this messed up for an exam. Ever.

Her: Oi, what's wrong with you la?
Me: I dunno. Fucked in the head.
Her: Aiya, how come la?
Me: Exams on Monday wei. Nothing is sticking in my head.
Her: Aiyo, you just have to relax and clear your mind and just do it.
Me: ...
Her: Important thing is you answer all the questions and complete them within the stipulated time frame.
Me: [mind gets messed up even more]
Her: If you can't do it, I don't know how the rest will do. You CAN do it wan. Just need to relax.

Bah. She's soo supportive and all but I still don't feel any better. This is one helluva deep blue funk I'm in. I know the exams will all be over by the 24th but still... The pressure and anxiety is at an all time high this time around. Maybe I'll snap during the exam and go insane and I'll have to be excused from the exam hall for the safety of the other candidates.

Do you sometimes feel like you've been studying for way too long and everything is passing you by? Given my situation, it's not a grand place to be in.

I'm 25 and will only complete everything in the next 2 goddamn years. Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it. By the time I'm done, I'll be fucking 27. That's the time everyone else is thinking of settling down and starting a family and good ol' abes is just about to start living.

Wait a minute.. Am I going through some pre-midlife crisis? Or maybe going a little insane? Hmm, probably both.

I don't know.

I don't know what to think anymore. I'll just have to suck up to it and get the damn exam over and done with.

Since I'm bitching, I still want that someone to DIE.


There's A Fine, Fine Line

There's a fine, fine line
Between a lover and a friend
There's a fine, fine line
Between reality and pretend

And you'll never know till you reach the top
If it was worth the uphill climb
There's a fine, fine line
Between love and a waste of your time

There's a fine, fine line
Between a fairytale and a lie
And there's a fine, fine line
Between "you're wonderful" and "goodbye"

I guess if someone doesn't love you back
It isn't such a crime
But there's a fine, fine line
Between love and a waste of your time

And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore
I don't think that you even know what you're looking for
For my own sanity I've gotta close the door and walk away

There's a fine, fine line
Between together and not
And there's a fine, fine line
Between what you wanted and what you've got

You gotta go after the things you want
While you're still in your prime
There's a fine, fine line
Between love and a waste of time

(Soundtrack of Avenue Q)



Oddly enough, I actually know people like this in real life. By the way, who does he remind you of?

Remember to pause the playlist on the right when you hit the 'Play' button.


My Right Arm Fell Off

Well, it does feel that way. It's aching so badly, I can't hold my arm up over my head and I felt retarded while brushing my teeth.

It's Thursday, 17th of May and that means... I have FOUR days before my finals! I'm shitting bricks. I'm so nervous and stressed out. I don't freaking know why I'm looking at this exam like it's the end of the world. I'm usually calm about it and get a lil excited cos it will all soon be over. Not this time though. I just feel like throwing up over and over and burying myself. I seriously don't handle stress and pressure very well.

Oh well, time to wake people up and make them eat with me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 

Pi-si-cho-pet Too!


Last night was a blast again hanging out at Leo's love shack with the usual bunch of crazy people. The initial plan was to go over and swim. BUT THEN, I got an SMS from Steph that read:

"You guys will get to play the Wii tonight. My bf is crazy"

And to think I wanted to bring my notes to read a bit while I took a break from swimming but nooo the Wii interrupted my plan. And yea Leo, you're crazy (so are you, Steph). But I love your Wii! Tennis rematch! I'll secretly buy one and practice like hell and beat you! :P

We did swim in the end though it was after a few hours of playing the Wii and our arms were about to fall off our shoulders. Mine's still aching from the swinging and all sorts of gymnastics I was trying to do.

Ps: I hope you guys like the added music feature I've added on the sidebar. It does get kind of annoying when the song stops to load. I'll probably change it when I've found a better one. I'm not so good with these sorta things.

Okay so who wants to buy me a Wii?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 


What started as a mundane Monday turned out quite the opposite. In fact, the day was so awesome, it was probably the best Monday ever.

The day started out the usual - boring and mundane. Later, a little excitement was injected with a mad storm and hail stones. It was raining so heavily that I thought my roof was gonna be blown away. Then I could hear really LOUD rattling on my awning and turned out to be hail stones. My mom was so amazed she actually equipped herself with an umbrella and attempted to catch them. Then, lightning struck and she got scared and scurried back into the house -_-"

So after the storm passed, I got Steph and Leo to entertain me by going for a really looong yum char session at Sri Devi's. Think we drank for like 2 hours chit chatting about things that don't matter. But who cares, I was really stressed out with exam blues and really needed it.

Then, we had a brilliant idea! We decided to have an impromptu wine party at Leo's place. So we got the usual mad people - Willy Vanilly, Charmaine-HA!?-Noi and Xabey Le Babey to come join.

Oh looky! It's Peter & Jane with the family dog. The beautiful canine is Rex.

Boy it was a party alright. 2 and a half bottles of wine and 1 bottle of champagne later, we were pretty stoked. Played silly games to amused ourselves and I was tempted to throw Steph into the pool. But that didn't happen (DAMMIT!) but then again, we're going back there tonight for a swim and I'll get my chance to throw everyone into the pool (something tells me I'll be the one getting thrown into it first).

Thanks to Leo's warm hospitality and patience with our nonsensical behaviour, the lil get-together was awesome.

Monday, May 14, 2007 

My House

Here's an interesting site that Xavie linked to me. You're basically asked to draw a house as per the instructions and however you do it is entire up to your imagination and not to mention, a steady hand to manouvre the mouse and answer a few questions based on what you have drawn and voila, you get yourself analysed! Mine's freakishly accurate.

Click here to view my house
Click here to view the other houses on Xavie's street.



I'm miserable cause my damn wisdom tooth hurts.

On a lighter note, the dinner on Saturday went really well and was a complete success. It was kind of tiring but it was well worth the effort.

We started cooking rather late and ended up having dinner at 9PM haha! Can imagine the faces of our starving guests then. Zila and I were the main chefs and the rest helped out with preparations which, was a lot of fun to do.

Hogs, Mei Yee and I went to get the groceries from Giant Hypermarket. Given any normal day, you wouldn't catch me going there by my own free will cause the environment kinda makes me uncomfortable for some strange reason.

Got home and started the necessary preparations. Oh by the way, the cuisine was supposed to be Western and so we had chicken. You know, the safest meat to have since making steaks isn't exactly our forte.

So the menu consisted of fried chicken chop with potato salad, scalded vegetables and garlic bread with a bowl of chicken soup (my recipe, of course. None of the canned soup stuff :P) and a glass of red wine to wash it all down. The joy of cooking comes from having your food appreciated which everyone did and it was most satisfying.

After dinner, we continued our wines while some had beers. It's good to have a cook out that didn't involve getting drunk.

The meal was rather heavy and so we adjourned to watch some TV before playing Taboo. For those who have played this game would agree that it IS a game of unspeakable fun. Add a dash of alcohol and the game morphs into a laughfest. Also, we got Hogs to buy us a horror movie. We initially wanted to get 'Jangan Pandang Belakang' (Don't Look Behind) which was supposedly a very scary Malay horror flick.

Well, Hogs did say that that show was out of stock and played with the idea of buying 'Colic' but decided against it because the storyline seemed lame. So he bought a Thai horror flick called 'Hunch' which none of us have ever heard of. Oh. My. God. What a big mistake! This is one movie that no human being should ever bother to watch! This movie really tested every threshold of emotions we could possibly muster. By that I mean we laughed so hard our sides hurt. The director of this show must've tried to include every possible movie element there is out there. Or, alternatively as Tiny theorised, it was probably some final year film student who had to make a movie as part of his / her project.

What was wrong with the show? Well, it started off like a Honda CRV ad with some cheesy music in the background. And this CRV was always shown as the focus of the shots. The actors were amateurs much like the director of the movie itself and throughout the entire show, there were only 7 people and the scenes were centered around ONE location. The movie is supposed to be about a bunch of people going to some remote resort / summerhouse (we don't know which it was because it was in Thai / Cantonese and the subtitles were extremely hilarious) which was supposedly haunted or some crap.

In an attempt to make the story remotely creepy, they play the ouija board and called some spirit which turned out to be the highlight of the movie. This ghost probably has the worst make-up artist ever who specialised solely in the usage of an eye liner. Yup, the ghost had eye liner lines on her face to suggest 'decomposition'. Like, ok whatever.

And then all of a sudden, there is an element of porn. At this point we were all O_O??? simply because the porno scenes were totally irrelevant to the storyline. No private parts were shown but it was more suggestive in the manner of which it was shot. Nevertheless, very very very bodoh.

The characters did not portray how normal people in real life in situations depicted in the movie would react. For example, their friend jumped into so pond and was at risk of drowning. They rush out to her aid. BUT stops halfway to explain the situation to their other friends elsewhere in the resort / summerhouse SLOWLY. Like AIYO she would've died twice already la. Oh also, they took their time to pakai selipar before running to save their friend.

Subtitles: Okay I know this isn't really the movie's doing (but then again, we wouldn't really know since it was hilarious from the very beginning). The subtitles were obviously done by people who were masters at using Google's online language translator. It was merely copying and pasting the Thai scripts and then hitting 'Translate' into Malay.

The result (what we think they were trying to say) - "Aww come on, don't chicken out" translated to "Jangan jadi seekor anak ayam"

[insert uncontrollable laughter here]

Another one - "What are we going to do next" translated to "Apakah kita akan buat sebelah". I'm coming to the conclusion that these were the same people that made the subtitles for Norbit - "I would like to propose a toast" that translated to "I ingin membuat sekeping roti bakar".

And so the movie came to an end (which was so stupid I won't even bother to say what it is) and the the credits were rolling. BUT GET THIS, at the end of the movie, they included BLOOPER SHOTS! HAHAHAH OMG! The ENTIRE movie was already a mistake to begin with!

Yeah I know it was a really stupid show but it was bloody entertaining. Good work out for our funny bones. To think Hogs thought 'Colic' had a lame storyline.

Apart from the corny movie we watched, we all had a great time. As for me, I woke up on Sunday with my legs all wobbly and my body all weak from the fatigue. Hehe, damn it's tiring to host a cook out :P

Saturday, May 12, 2007 

Oh The Noise!

I swear people must undergo some sort of training prior to owning pets - especially ones that are capable of making noises such as dogs. There's a neighbour of mine a few houses down the street opposite the row in which I live in who practically owns like a gajillion puppies! Now normally, I'd go all crazy over the lil cute furballs but not in this case. I love pets and more so, dogs (ironcally I've never had one since my parents dislike anything that can shed and mess up the house and to reinforce this, they blame my sinus). Anyway, these puppies make a HELL LOT of noise! It's like all gajillion of them start to bark at the same time and each one of them are encouraging the other to bark even more. Gaaaawwwdddd save my ears and my sanity!

They live a few houses away from me and yet the noise travels through the air and make it sound like it's coming from next door. Not to mention that my direct neighbour have a dog of their own and its bark alone is enough to make trees uproot themselves and walk away.

The casual barkings are fine. But when you have like 10 puppies barking at once in their high pitchy shrill barks, it is much undesired. Especially when they can go on barking for a good 20 minutes straight.

Isn't there some council regulation for dog owners whereby there is a limit as to the number of pets one can have? The people I pity the most would be their direct neighbours. Like I've said, even by distance the barks are intolerable, how much more annoying it must be for the ones living next to them.

All I can hope for is that they don't start barking when I'm trying to sleep (which, has happened before in the past). Now, legally speaking, one can sue for nuisance but let's hope it doesn't reach that extent and the dog owners do something about the ruckus and discomfort their puppies have been causing the neighbourhood.

Friday, May 11, 2007 

I'm A...

...baked potato. That's what I feel like with this weather. It's so friggin' hot that all I feel like doing is soaking myself in a tub filled with ice and coming out looking like a prune.

My day went pretty alright. Had lunch with Tiny and Zila and discussed future plans as to weddings and saving tonnes of money for vacations we can't afford now and oh, tomorrow's dinner arrangement. Quite fun and entertaining really. Of course, the whole fun and laughter had to be cut short due to the scorching heat and the blinding sunlight. I swear I've gotten darker from the constant exposure to hazardous and damaging effects of this weather.

Gah can't continue. Too hot...



Ho Hum

*yawn* I've just woken up from what seemed like a deep and perpetual sleep. I'm still groggy and now blogging. My hair's all over the place and my bed looks like a hurricane dropped by to say hello to it. Having my morning cigarette and reading a bunch of people's blogs. And I've just realised that people would have problems accessing my page now since I've changed the address to from

I'm supposed to have lunch today with JJ aka Tiny (new nickname given by my cousin, Hogs) to further discuss our cook-out plan that we're having tomorrow. But that dude can REALLY sleep. I mean, REALLY sleep. If an earthquake were to occur right beneath him, he'd probably just flip over and find a more comfortable spot to continue his sleep despite the ceiling falling all over the place. Even had to call his girlfriend to see if he's awake but I guess she must be asleep too -_-"

I'm going to go through my phone book and pester the living daylights out of them to have lunch with me. Xavie, if you're reading this, be prepared for my phone call and my incessant whining to get you to skip work and have lunch with me.


Happy Mother's Day!

Well, not exactly in case some of you thought you had missed Mother's Day. Today was kinda an early Mother's Day for my mom since my bro and I got her a pressie for the occassion. And since I was a bit impatient to wait for the weekend, we decided to get her a new phone to replace that damn piece of jurassic rock (Nokia 3310). Twasn't a big deal, really. Not like we got her a super duper high tech phone. It's a simple Nokia 1600 with the usual features such as coloured screen and polyphonic ringtones. And no camera. But needless to say, mom was ecstatic and it's such a great feeling to see the look on her face when given the phone. She couldn't stop smiling the whole day. Guess that made her day :D

Other than that, the day was pretty much the usual. Didn't touch my books the whole day but am going to attempt to read as much as I can before hitting the sack. Operative word here being "attempt".

Oh in case you were wondering, Mother's Day is this Sunday :)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 


Yea yea it's me. I must've been dead for almost a year now. And reading back and deciding to blog something, I realised that I blog when I HAVE FREAKING EXAMS coming up! What's up with that? Yup, exams are due to happen on the 21st of this month and I have no freaking clue about what's been going on.

Again, I have 4 goddamn subjects to clear - Company Law (YUCK! Who does that shit anyway?), Equity & Trusts, Law of Tort and Land Law. Blegh!

Throughout the duration of my classes this term, I find Company Law the crappiest of the lot. I know, I know, I can make lots of moolah from being a corporate lawyer and all that crap but hell, it's a pain to study.

Okay, okay, not the best way to start off my resurrection but seriously, the upcoming exams have been bothering me so much that I've pretty much not slept in days. Fuck, I even get nightmares about it.

So let's start with what's been happening. Yes, exams around the corner yadda yadda yadda; no longer due to fly to Oxford Brookes University (OBU) in London but instead, will be due to fly to University of Tasmania (UTAS) in Australia next year July.

Why the change? Don't ask. If I start about it, it won't end. Let's just say some people should die for putting me in this pile of shit.

I've also started watching FRIENDS all over again from Season 1 right up to Season 10. Call me psycho but I love the show. It's probably because there's so much I can relate to. PLUS, I love the humour. Phoebe being my favourite of the lot. She's so floozy and weird, she rocks.

Okay, I'm going to bitch a bit about the fucked up sucky connection TMmotherfuckingNet has been providing. It took me hours just to upload the new pics and took me almost forever to even post this entry. I mean, can they please quit boasting about how fast their LAME ASS 1MB connection is? Like, OMG, snails move faster than that! This is what happens when a company is allowed to monopolise the market. Sure, there are other broadband providers but unfortunately, they're more costly. I guess we pay a cheap price for cheap services. That's right! YOU'RE CHEAP, TMNET! Go dig a hole and defecate yourselves in there! And for the love of all that is good and pure, get a different lady to record your stupid "service interruption" announcements. Get someone who can speak coherent English for God's sake! Annnnnnd, what is so difficult about posting an announcement on the website?! Does it take too much energy to get your lazy fingers up to type it out? Oops, sorry, COPY AND PASTE! Lazy fuckers. Go and die. I'm guessing that they experience too much "service interruptions" crap that by posting every single one of them, it'll make them look bad. Boy, a shit load of help that has been for them. Morons. Go and die.

Yes, I'm maxed out on stress and yes, I need a chill pill. Also, I need to get drunk so everything will seem okay just for awhile. This must be what a stroke-waiting-to-happen feels like.

.:: the a b e - s t e r ::.

    Name: Abel @ a b e s
    Location: Malaysia
    Age: 25 (Crap, I'm older!)
    Occupation: Law student
    Birth date: 7th March 1982
    Status: Still single
    Horoscope: Pisces

    WARNING: I can be addictive

.:: tweet tweet ::.

.:: nuffnang ::.

.:: advertlets ::.

.:: adsense ::.

.:: ramblings ::.

.:: sounds ::.

.:: he said, she said ::.

    "When you live, live with your soul, not with your time. When you love, love with your heart, not with your mind. When you wanna be what the world can define, open up your eyes" - Damone

.:: july babies ::.

  • 9th - Seb [28], Steph [23]

.:: snapz ::.

I'm Wet

.:: the poet in me ::.

.:: gallery ::.

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