Nyek Nyek Nyek
Haha! Yup, today's paper was amazing. This is my most hated subject and therefore the least studied for but yet I managed to complete what was required and put every single authority I could remember.
Why I hate this subject:
- I had to memorise cases which don't have proper names like Re a Company no. 007623 of 1984. This does not even include the ones WITH proper names which are long-winded and might as well be called Supercalifragilisticaspealedocious v Suoicodelaepsacitsiligarfilacrepus
- Bulky and complicated
- There are at LEAST (and a must to mention) 10 cases per principle
- Every principle entails a long and detailed discussion about another principle and how they're linked
- Extremely tedious
- It is made compulsary by my college when it is actually an optional subject
I'd go with the last reason for my total dislike for the subject. I'm sort of glad that it's over and I can now focus on my last subject for the week - Tort. After which is my last paper next Thursday, 31st May. Then it's MERDEKA for me.