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Thursday, July 19, 2007 

I'm Really Sick

Great. After popping many Panadols, my fever and flu are still not gone. And I have a freaking paper tomorrow morning at 10am. How on earth am I going to pull thru this one?

Been trying to study for the life of me but it's difficult when you're giddy and trying to remember cases. This really sucks. And there's no way I can postpone the exam. Plus, I'd rather get this over and done with.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargghhhh! Poo...

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.:: the a b e - s t e r ::.

    Name: Abel @ a b e s
    Location: Malaysia
    Age: 25 (Crap, I'm older!)
    Occupation: Law student
    Birth date: 7th March 1982
    Status: Still single
    Horoscope: Pisces

    WARNING: I can be addictive

.:: tweet tweet ::.

.:: nuffnang ::.

.:: advertlets ::.

.:: adsense ::.

.:: ramblings ::.

.:: sounds ::.

.:: he said, she said ::.

    "When you live, live with your soul, not with your time. When you love, love with your heart, not with your mind. When you wanna be what the world can define, open up your eyes" - Damone

.:: july babies ::.

  • 9th - Seb [28], Steph [23]

.:: snapz ::.

I'm Wet

.:: the poet in me ::.

.:: gallery ::.

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