What I'm about to post can or may be uncomfortable for some but this was aired recently on Al-Jazeera on Astro. Some of you may have heard or watched it yourselves and hence, may have a thing or two to say.
I personally found this coverage to be a good one and one that should be watched by fellow Malaysians. I do not in any way hate Muslims or the religion but it is sadly a shame that Malaysia is moving far from a desired democratic country.
Islam here in Malaysia is often used as a means of political gains and not so much as to the values of the religion itself. I feel that the tender teachings of Islam has been in turned used as wheels in our country's political vehicle.
50 years of independence indeed.
To comment on what I've watched via youtube, it is utterly inhumane to separate a young child from her parents simply because of "religion". It's stupid and cruel.
Watch it and you be the judge.