After a few hours of tweaking and editting here and there, my blog seems to be what it was before the codes got messed up. I even got my galleries and links to other blogs up again.
Took me awhile but managed to fix as much as I could. If your link was previously in my abe-sterians list and it isn't now, let me know and I'll add you.
Also, my phone's screwing up much and I'm planning to get a new phone and this time, it will be a Sony Ericsson walkman edition. Stupid Nokias are screwing way too often. If all goes well ($$-wise), I should get my new phone by the end of the week. So if you don't get a reply from me, chances are my phone ate your message / missed call.
Now back to trying to study thru the massive headache and spinning my head has been going through the past few days.