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Friday, July 30, 2004 

The Dancing Lights (Pt II) Issue

*yawn* *stretch*

ahh just finished watching malaysian idol. this week's group was awesome! the second group definitely cannot compare with this week's. i'm definitely going to vote for jaclyn, saiful and mimie. least to say, jaclyn was the best of all 3 groups and i seriously think she has potential to be the next malaysian idol. my biggest fear is, malaysians wont vote for her cos she's different and not the typical type of singer that we find in malaysia. we'll just have to see the results this sunday at 10pm.

today was a pretty cloudy day with not much sun. cooling actually. woke up early to go for breakfast with xavie and stephanie. hell, we yam char-ed the ENTIRE day from 12pm till 5pm.. well not exactly a whole day but heck, its 5 hours of drinking and yakking. steph's one cool chick - and a hot one too *wink*

talked about anything and everything, basically.. from our stupid encounters with old, ugly and perverted men to religion. i'd say it was a cool session.. we had to switch place once cos ppl wanted to sit at our table at the previous coffee shop haha! overall, i had loads of fun. looking forward to it again.

again, i've over used my camera and been taking light movements in a frenzy. here are some examples of what i did. yes, boredom struck and yes, i have nothing else better to do. but heck, these pics make damn awesome wallpapers. if you like any of them, leave ur email either on my tag board or in my comments link. let me know which pic and i'll send them to you if i have the time. here are some examples:


now thats done, i'm gonna go wait for shai. we're gonna watch I, Robot tonight wheee!


.:: the a b e - s t e r ::.

    Name: Abel @ a b e s
    Location: Malaysia
    Age: 25 (Crap, I'm older!)
    Occupation: Law student
    Birth date: 7th March 1982
    Status: Still single
    Horoscope: Pisces

    WARNING: I can be addictive

.:: tweet tweet ::.

.:: nuffnang ::.

.:: advertlets ::.

.:: adsense ::.

.:: ramblings ::.

.:: sounds ::.

.:: he said, she said ::.

    "When you live, live with your soul, not with your time. When you love, love with your heart, not with your mind. When you wanna be what the world can define, open up your eyes" - Damone

.:: july babies ::.

  • 9th - Seb [28], Steph [23]

.:: snapz ::.

I'm Wet

.:: the poet in me ::.

.:: gallery ::.

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