here's another one to make your grey matter work in over-drive mode. as usual, the answers will be posted either later today or tomorrow. remember, this is for good, clean fun so dont take it too seriously or get offended. this survey was never made to insult anyone in any way. have fun!
1. Give 5 variations for tea (teh) when ordering at a mamak.
2. When an appointment is at 8:30pm, what time will most Malaysians arrive?
3. What sauce / dip is famous in Malacca?
4. Why is chinese tea served at a chinese restaurant and/or bak kut teh shop?
5. Which culture did the habit of removing one's footwear before entering a house derive from?
6. Name 3 Indian festivals that are celebrated.
7. BONUS : What's Malaysia's current population rate (approximately)?
8. Where is Tanjung Jara located?
9. At what festival do the chinese throw oranges into the sea?
10. What snack is Kelantan known for?
11. Where was the former international airport situated and what was its NEW name?
12. Who's our current Agung and which state's Sultan was he?
13. What does EON stand for?
14. Is Putrajaya a state?
15. Malaysia is home to the world's biggest flower. What flower is that?
16. What's our national flower?
17. Name 5 supernatural beings thats popular in our folklore.
18. Name AT LEAST 5 local celebrities that you know of.
19. How tall is the KL Tower and the Petronas Twin Tower respectively?
20. Tunku Abdul Rahman was known as Bapa Kemerdekaan (Father of Independence). What is Tun Dr Mahathir's?
15 - 20 = hardcore malaysian culture researcher
10 - 14 = typical arriving-one-hour-after-agreed-time malaysian
0 - 9 = do malaysians live in trees?
answers here.