isnt that an age old question? after having a long conversation with kev, he inspired me to write this entry. gays are not spared from the vile bitching of their fellow brethrens. some think that all gays are alike. for those who think that, think again. NOT all gays bitch or enjoy bitching about others. thats the one reason why i left the scene. i guess i didnt fit well into their bitching activities and sometimes, these sorta things can get out of hand.
i've been a victim to their constant bitching and potlitics. in a nutshell, the gay community consists of the following:
1. bitching
2. politics
3. competition
in my opinion, i think that the gay community has crafted this habit into an art. one must be cautious when bitching about others and, some do it extemely well while others do not. i guess women too, have adopted this art and is practised amongst their female clan. this may be one of the reasons why people may not like the gay community. is this a habit? is this a culture? as far as i am concerned, it is a way of protecting their sorry ass low self esteems by putting another person down. i know a particular group of gay people who gather solely for the purpose of "discussion". here, they share gossips and the buletin utama of the latest fuck-arounds. they can be found in groups of 5 or more. they can sit in a bar / club and talk about a random guy that happens to be wearing something un-suave or un-pink and go on for hours. this can be observed by their eye movements and lip movements and sometimes the not-so nonchalant incessant pointing. i find it to be so fucking rude. why cant they follow the general rule : if you have nothing nice to say, shut your hole (either end). try separating them and pairing them up with a total stranger and you'll notice that they wont bitch. why? simple. they'd be so self conscious and wouldnt want to be bitched about. kinda like it takes one to know one. dont you find this sad? they can dish it out but cant take it in. here's something : mind your own fucking business.
another trait of the gay community. some times, the politic can get really bad as if they were going to run the country. like, hello? why create more politics when the world has already enough of it? here's an advice: too many chefs spoil the broth. wanna be a politician? be one of the election candidates. maybe the government would like your pink feathered boa flare in politics in the cabinet.
i really do not know why gays must compete. why is there a need to compete? will there be a prize waiting for the person who has fucked the most guys? or maybe the guy that has given the most blowjobs? these are cheap ways of boosting one's self esteem. just be yourself and dont compete with others. there are plenty of guys out there for everyone. keep competing and you'd be recycling the men out there. ewww.
these are the reasons why i left the gay scene. too much hassle and stress. in the end, you get burned for doing absolutely nothing. a newbie can step into liquid without knowing a single person. with the incredible and noble help of the gossipers, this person would be the next popular thing to have ever grace the planet.