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Friday, August 06, 2004 

The Tanjong Jara Trip (Pt III) Issue

here's the third and final part of my entry for my trip to tanjong jara:

Day 3 (Thursday, August 5, 2004)

this was the day that we would be leaving tanjong jara. we were supposed to be up by 9:30am but we were so pooped out the night before, we continued to sleep hehe. almost missed breakfast (breakfast ends at 11am). so, we got ready by 10:20am and hurried to the "Di Atas Sungei" again for one last time. had a hearty breakfast and went to the souvenir shop to see if we could buy some stuff for some friends. well, too bad, the items were really expensive. RM20 for a small pebble key-chain with the words "Tanjong Jara Resort" printed on it wasnt worth the money hehehe..

after checking out the souvenir shop, we headed back to the room to pack up our bags and freshened up. by 1pm, we checked out of the resort and made our back home to KL. that was pretty much how the trip went. very simple and no rush whatsoever. even the drive back home was a slow and smooth one. again, we got lost a few times but this time, we were more familiar with the roads and got ourselves back on track in no time.

i'd like to share one final picture to all. this is an interesting picture considering the fact that over here in KL, such a thing wouldnt be as huge. check it out:

notice how huge that sign board is? i was pretty shocked to see the size of it. so, there you have it again people, big sign boards, big dandelions and big waves. for those who enjoyed my entries about tanjong jara, you can go here to learn more.


.:: the a b e - s t e r ::.

    Name: Abel @ a b e s
    Location: Malaysia
    Age: 25 (Crap, I'm older!)
    Occupation: Law student
    Birth date: 7th March 1982
    Status: Still single
    Horoscope: Pisces

    WARNING: I can be addictive

.:: tweet tweet ::.

.:: nuffnang ::.

.:: advertlets ::.

.:: adsense ::.

.:: ramblings ::.

.:: sounds ::.

.:: he said, she said ::.

    "When you live, live with your soul, not with your time. When you love, love with your heart, not with your mind. When you wanna be what the world can define, open up your eyes" - Damone

.:: july babies ::.

  • 9th - Seb [28], Steph [23]

.:: snapz ::.

I'm Wet

.:: the poet in me ::.

.:: gallery ::.

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