I'm Home!
HELLO ALL and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! A thousand apologies for not blogging for so long! Been uber busy prior to leaving for Hong Kong.
First and foremost, a lot has happened since I last blogged and for the love of me, I doubt I can recall everything so I'll just skip to the most recent for my next post.
I'm still in the midst of clearing my room and unpacking and sorting things out since coming home yesterday.
To my faithful readers, I do apologise for not updating my blog. Especially those who get cranky when there's nothing new to read on my blog in the early morning - you know who you are haha!
As you may notice, I've changed the pictures in my flash photoslide with the Hong Kong ones and I do hope you like them. I snapped approximately 311 pictures during my trip there but I can only manage to upload some of them. However, I will upload more when I get the time to do so.
Till my next post, adieu!
First and foremost, a lot has happened since I last blogged and for the love of me, I doubt I can recall everything so I'll just skip to the most recent for my next post.
I'm still in the midst of clearing my room and unpacking and sorting things out since coming home yesterday.
To my faithful readers, I do apologise for not updating my blog. Especially those who get cranky when there's nothing new to read on my blog in the early morning - you know who you are haha!
As you may notice, I've changed the pictures in my flash photoslide with the Hong Kong ones and I do hope you like them. I snapped approximately 311 pictures during my trip there but I can only manage to upload some of them. However, I will upload more when I get the time to do so.
Till my next post, adieu!