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Friday, December 30, 2005 

Hong Kong (Part III)

(Continued from Part II)

Sunday, 25th December 2005 (Merry Christmas!)

This day wasn't as heavy going as the first few days. The fatigue from walking all over Hong Kong and being pushed and shoved the previous night finally set into Seb and I. I had a problem getting Seb to wake up as he was just being plain lazy and my stomach was begging for food. Dragged the log out of bed and off we went to Tsim Sha Tsui yet again in search for some nyum nyums.

Because it was Christmas day and being a Sunday, people were everywhere, filling up the streets. The roads were still closed off to vehicles to make way for the heavy pedestrian traffic. Headed for the train station and as you might've guessed, it was packed as well. People were cramming up the train doors and every train car was filled almost to its maximum capacity.

A can of sardines

And the thronging continues...

Got off at our destination and headed to the nearest coffee shop for some food. Interestingly, I ordered their curry pork with rice just to see how Hongkees make their curries. My goodness, their spices consist of pepper, pepper and more pepper. Nonetheless, it was an interesting meal and to make it more interesting, Hongkees eat their rice with chopsticks! Like, wow. I thought they just gave chopsticks by mistake.

Curry pork

Interesting cutlery to go with rice on a plate

We were so tired, we decided to waste the day away by just stayng in our hotel room. Seb took a long restful nap while I entertained myself with the idiot-box. Hours later, we met up with Yolene and Maggie and headed out to have a Korean barbecue dinner in Central. The dinner was quite fab. Nothing authentically "Hongkee" about it. Pretty much your average Korean barbecue restaurant you can find back here. However, as quality of the food goes, I'd give it a thumb up.

Having filled our bellies, we made tracks for Causeway Bay to meet up with Eric for some beers. Along the way, we did a little shopping as stores were everywhere. Especially G2000 and Giordano. Hongkees really love these brands, don't they?

Met up with Eric and headed to some bar (can't remember the name). I remember it to be a Turkish bar cos they had Shisha aka Turkish Pipe. Had a couple rounds of beers and soon, more friends came to join us. A couple of hours later, Seb and I decided to leave earlier to crash out. Boy, we were still tired from all the walking.

Monday, 26th December 2005 (Happy Boxing Day!)

This was the day we went to Ocean Park! Wheee! Initially, it was supposed to be a visit to Hong Kong's latest attraction - Disneyland. But alas, we got poor feedback about the place and decided not to go there. However, Ocean Park was just as great.

The day started off well. We woke up feeling quite rested and once again, headed off to Pacific Place in Admiralty to meet up with Ah Mo, Maggie and Yolene. Pacific Place is a shopping complex - a very expensive one, supposedly. We met Ah Mo in McDonald's and decided to have our breakfast there too. Now, there's something that the McD's over there has that we don't get here - macaroni soup with ham and egg. It's a breakfast set. Quite good, really. Maggie and Yolene joined us later and so, Seb and I decided to do a little shopping at FCUK while waiting for them to finish up their meals. FCUK was having a sale and being the horny FCUK lover, I went a tad bit crazy over the clothes and bought a few. I mean c'mon, they were having a sale! How could anyone resist?

McDonald's Macaroni soup with ham and egg set

Shopped till my heart dropped, we went on our merry way to Ocean Park via a Double-Decker bus. I've been on one before in Singapore so, nothing much to shout about it. I was pretty excited going to OP since I've heard exciting stories about the rides there.

We got to OP safely and alighted the bus. The minute I stepped off it, I was greeted with yet again with throngs of people! Dammit, don't these people have anything else better to do? Oh, that's right, it was a public holiday. Damn.

The scenery in OP was beautiful and breath-taking. You could sea Hong Kong's landscape from OP. That prompted me to go on a photography rampage. My poor camera almost had a seizure from my incessant snapping.

(To be continued in Part IV)


.:: the a b e - s t e r ::.

    Name: Abel @ a b e s
    Location: Malaysia
    Age: 25 (Crap, I'm older!)
    Occupation: Law student
    Birth date: 7th March 1982
    Status: Still single
    Horoscope: Pisces

    WARNING: I can be addictive

.:: tweet tweet ::.

.:: nuffnang ::.

.:: advertlets ::.

.:: adsense ::.

.:: ramblings ::.

.:: sounds ::.

.:: he said, she said ::.

    "When you live, live with your soul, not with your time. When you love, love with your heart, not with your mind. When you wanna be what the world can define, open up your eyes" - Damone

.:: july babies ::.

  • 9th - Seb [28], Steph [23]

.:: snapz ::.

I'm Wet

.:: the poet in me ::.

.:: gallery ::.

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