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Monday, November 14, 2005 

Isn't Malaysia Just Sweet?

Here is an article that I would like all of you to read - ESPECIALLY if you are a Malaysian. It is rather long but I assure you, you would be so disturbed / angered that you wouldn't notice the length of the article.

I really do urge all of you to learn about your RIGHTS as a Malaysian and what the police can and CANNOT do.

I personally found the article to be VERY disturbing and it angered me so much that I would like the victim(s) to sue the police force (and I really hope they do).

A Story of Corruption and Police Abuse

Sidetracking, a couple were beaten up by Zouk Bouncers on the night of the Halloween party. Here is their story:

Zouk Abuse


.:: the a b e - s t e r ::.

    Name: Abel @ a b e s
    Location: Malaysia
    Age: 25 (Crap, I'm older!)
    Occupation: Law student
    Birth date: 7th March 1982
    Status: Still single
    Horoscope: Pisces

    WARNING: I can be addictive

.:: tweet tweet ::.

.:: nuffnang ::.

.:: advertlets ::.

.:: adsense ::.

.:: ramblings ::.

.:: sounds ::.

.:: he said, she said ::.

    "When you live, live with your soul, not with your time. When you love, love with your heart, not with your mind. When you wanna be what the world can define, open up your eyes" - Damone

.:: july babies ::.

  • 9th - Seb [28], Steph [23]

.:: snapz ::.

I'm Wet

.:: the poet in me ::.

.:: gallery ::.

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